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Authentic Worship: Book and Companion Workbook Set

Authentic Worship: Book and Companion Workbook Set


This set is the companion workbook and the book Authentic Worship, combined for those who want to take their faith walk from the knowledge received in the book to personal life application. Readers will explore their faith and impositions to the revelation in order to become authentic worshipers.


Worship is an essential part of every believer's life. For centuries the church has branded its concept of worship, and that concept has become the religious staple for how it gets expressed. What if I told you that what we presently believe about worship across denominational lines and Christian sects is not how God defines or desires worship at all?

First, worship is not a service or a series of activities that express adoration, reverence, and respect for God alone. Authentic worship is a lifestyle that requires we live daily in the presence of God, which allows us to pull eternity into time so the supernatural can occur. Additionally, authentic worship places a demand on our lives to exist exactly as God intended, which means a discussion on how we are to produce worship in the earth is necessary. The revelation God has given on our lives being a divine and intentional deployment for our participation in an ongoing holy war, makes this book a necessary resource for redefining worship and living authentically as ambassadors in the kingdom of God.

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